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AHRMM22 Virtual Conference Evaluations

Thank you for joining us at AHRMM22 Virtual Conference!

To earn your Continuing Education Credit (CEC) hours, please complete your session evaluations by Friday, September 30, 2022. Your feedback will help us to better plan and execute future conferences and tailor them to meet your needs.

Overall Conference Evaluation

Click Each Session to complete Evaluations 

Opening Keynote: Teamwork and Leadership in Times of Change

Using Business Analytics to Drive Efficiencies – A Rural Hospital’s Approach

Health Care Chain Issues and Legislation - A Discussion of Current Activities

Determining and Using Metrics that Matter to Strengthen Supply Chain Performance

Insights from Both Sides of the Desk: How That Can Improve Provider Supply Chain Effectiveness

ESG Impact Development: A Critical Aspect of Evolving Supply Chains

Breaking the Myth of "Cookbook Medicine" to Prepare for Value-Based Care

Finding and Retaining Talent in Supply Chain

If Only We Had Data! Financial and Other Impacts of Supply and Implant Charting Errors

YPAC Workshop: "Supply Chain Leaders of the Future"

Building a Clinically Integrated Value Creation Program in the Middle of a Pandemic

Leveraging Predictive Analytics to Help Avoid Future Supply Disruptions

New Product Requests: Beauty is in the Eye of the Requestor

Understanding the Transportation Path for Medical Products: Challenges from Factory to Facility

AHRMM Talks - Contracting for the Gift of Life: Blood Products and Services

Supply Chain Roles for the Future

Is Help on the Way? - Understanding Legislative Moves to Improve Health Care Supply Chains

Solving Everyday Supply Chain Challenges with the UDI

Closing Keynote: Solutions Not Soundbites: Can We Move from Talk to Tactics?