AHRMM Press Center
The AHRMM Press Center provides members of media outlets with easy access to health care supply chain news and events and press releases from AHRMM.
As a respected, credible source of health care supply chain information, AHRMM will help you get the information you need so you can prepare a fair and balanced story for your community.
Reprints Permissions
All requests for reprinting AHRMM materials must be in writing, clearly stating the purpose and manner in which the copy will be used. All reprinted materials must include AHRMM credit. Unless noted otherwise, all permission is given for one-time use only.
For permission to reprint an AHRMM story or to use AHRMM material in electronic format, contact ahrmm@aha.org.
Media Relations Contact
To inquire about a story, arrange an interview with an AHRMM representative, or obtain access to an article reprint, please contact:
(312) 422-3800