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This session explains the benefits of implementing the UDI such as immediate device status updates through collaboration with manufacturers and suppliers, increased patient care satisfaction, and how the data you collect can turn your analytics into strategic and critical business decisions. Learn the step by step process that FMOLHS used to implement UDI.
AHRMM members discuss why they chose to earn their Certified Materials Resource Professional (CMRP) Certification and the rewards they have gained personally and professionally.
Nexera has incorporated Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) throughout their own or
Panelists in Part 4 of the GPO or Local/Self Contracting webcast series focus on what providers should expect from their GPO partners. In a Part 5 bonus section, included only in the podcast version, we listen to the panelists answer questions of those who attended this session during the AHRMM16 Annual Conference.
In this 3-part series, learn how the revenue cycle can impact your supply chain when embarking on a new software implementation or integration.
New risk sharing models align the economics of an agreement to product or service performance and outcomes. In this webinar, we discuss this relatively new concept in health care and how sharing responsibility can enhance both parties’ performance levels and improve patient outcomes through mutual investment.
Take a close look at what can be done to improve speeches made in front of a large audience. In this webinar, we explain the construction of a talk, what information will your audience be most receptive to, and how should you get it across.
Investing in yourself by taking continuing education courses, no matter what kind, is essential for personal and professional growth. Hear from two supply chain experts who explain the benefits of life-long learning and earning their Certified Resource Materials Professional (CMRP) Certificate, and how you can do the same.
In order to compare baseline costs to savings and determine areas of compliance risk, supply chain professionals need to work closely with their revenue cycle colleagues maintaining the chargemaster. This webinar explores how supply data elements in your item master and chargemaster play a role in negotiating payments, in disbursing across the continuum of care, and in assessing variations in clinical practice.
Hear one provider’s ongoing process of UDI implementation, from deciphering acronyms and educating interdepartmental staff, to working with vendors to redesign ERP software to meet FDA data capture and reporting regulations, all while creating procedures for others to follow.
For product and equipment selection to meet the need for the best value for our patients, clinical criteria need to be determined during the initial phase of selection.
Health care organizations continue to look for new ways to reduce costs. Ultimately, data, clinical integration, and engaging multi-disciplinary stakeholders may be the major keys to success. In this webinar, we describe how a large health system sought to standardize endomechanical, suture, trocars, and surgical energy across multiple categories.
Cybersecurity impacts all industry verticals including health care. Health care organizations need to address security in standard technology and medical devices. In this webinar, we discuss eight key practices straight from the Mayo Clinic’s cybersecurity strategy.
In light of the closure of some facilities that use gas ethylene oxide (EtO) to sterilize medical devices prior to their distribution and use, the FDA is looking at the future availability of medical devices and the possibility of medical device shortages. This webinar highlights potential alternatives to EtO, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to determine what kind of sterilization is best for your organization.
John Kelty from W.L. Gore & Associates discusses how value analysis committees can determine a medical devices value when evaluating new products. 
Today, health systems are being forced to leverage disparate data from internal and external sources to drive business intelligence solutions. In this webinar, we review some of the challenges of disparate technology systems and how data can be better synchronized to drive meaningful understandings that fuel decisions.
The AHRMM Keys for Supply Chain Excellence are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that set the standard for supply chain management in the health care field. AHRMM has developed the AHRMM Keys for Supply Chain Excellence – essential Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that every health care supply chain should be measuring.
EtO Quality Advisory Overview: The AHA and AHRMM have released a Quality Advisory on ethylene oxide sterilization of medical devices. The AHA and AHRMM will continue to update members on this issue.       Read Advisory
2019 AHRMM CQO Report: The Power of Clinical Integration  Overview:  The CQO Task Force identified six health care organizations with case studies demonstrating the evolution of CQO and the expanding role of supply chain in meeting the needs of the ever-changing health care environment. These stories are contained within this report.
The quarterly Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions magazine offers AHRMM members the most recent trends, insights, and best practices in health care supply chain, along with updates on the Association's education, events, and advocacy initiatives.