American Hospital Association guides and reports for members and the health care field.
The UDI-DI Change Communication Process Work Group, a part of AHRMM's Learning UDI Community (LUC), recently released a report analyzing current communication processes and their implications on all stakeholders related to changes to the UDI-DI. Gain a clear understanding of how these changes are…
The UDI Impacts on Recall Management Work Group, a part of AHRMM's Learning UDI Community (LUC), has released their recommended practices reports that analyzes the barriers and highlights the benefits to patient safety and key stakeholder groups when utilizing the UDI throughout the recall process…
Though the health care industry is continuing to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, many industry leaders are also looking to build a more resilient supply chain by asking, “What could we have done differently?”, and “How should we prepare for future pandemics and other crises?”
As health care emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain resiliency is a priority. One primary consideration has been how to develop inventory reserves to mitigate the risk of severe product shortages.
Building UDI into Longitudinal Data for Medical Device Evaluation (BUILD) Point of Care Capture of UDI for Implantable Devices final summary report and roadmap.
Access Hospital ISM® Report On Business®
In partnership with AHRMM, Institute for Supply Management (ISM) launched its first vertical ISM® Report On Business® in a critical services sector: hospitals.
The Hospital PMI™ is the first report of its kind, delving into areas that…
The AHRMM COVID-19 Recovery Guide for the supply chain professional is designed to assist supply chain leaders as their organizations expand services during the ongoing response to COVID-19. An After-Action Review template has also been created and is available for download for the supply chain…
2019 AHRMM CQO Report: The Power of Clinical Integration
The CQO Task Force identified six health care organizations with case studies demonstrating the evolution of CQO and the expanding role of supply chain in meeting the needs of the ever-changing health care environment…
This downloadable report reviews the recommended practices related to the allocation of multiple unique device indicators (UDI-DI).
The AHRMM Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) Movement was launched in 2013 to advance the role of the health care supply chain in delivering better quality care at a more affordable cost and in a manner that delivers the highest value to patients. The CQO Movement explores the inter-relationships…