Call for CQO Leading Practices & Tools

Check out leading practices previously submitted by health care systems, that demonstrate improved quality of patient care, costs and outcomes.
Browse the Leading Practice Repository.

If you have been successful in implementing strategies that improved the quality of patient care, reduced costs and enhanced outcomes, we want to hear about them and share them with others across the health care field. AHRMM has been building a repository for leading and proven supply chain practices, case studies and tool kits that are developed from a Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) perspective.

Submit your practices to the repository and help spread excellence and innovation across the health care continuum. As more organizations adopt and share these leading practices, a greater cumulative benefit is circulated across the healthcare field.

This latest call for Leading Practices is for submissions highlighting initiatives in the following seven areas:

  • CQO initiatives within the non-acute care setting
  • Organizational efforts to decrease 30 day readmission rates for a specific population type
  • Examples of risk-sharing contracts with suppliers
  • Internal and external collaborative activities associated with Alternative Payment Models
  • Success in the reduction of healthcare-acquired conditions in the areas of falls and surgical site infections
  • Programs highlighting supply chain’s role in Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). Examples include but are not limited to contracting, logistics, sustainability, community outreach, and collaborative partnerships.
  • Supply chain’s collaborative role and the sharing of information with pharmacy and therapeutics leaders in addressing the Opioid crisis. Examples include providing real world data around pain reducing technology and pumps, data on biosimilars, and review of clinical utilization.

Minimal Requirements:

  • Submissions must address all three areas of cost, quality, and outcomes as defined above.
  • Submissions must use AHRMM’s Leading Practices & Tools,
    one-page template
    * to address all areas outlined in the template (Problem, Methods, Means, Date Implemented, Outcomes, Tools, CQO)**.

Submissions must be received by the end of day on Friday, May 4, 2018.

Rewards for Sharing your Knowledge:


Cost: All costs associated with delivering patient care and supporting the care environment.
Quality: Patient-centered care aimed at achieving the best possible clinical outcomes.
Outcomes: Financial reimbursement driven by outstanding clinical care at the appropriate costs.
Leading Practices: Practices designed and implemented by multidisciplinary teams that have measurably improved the quality of patient care, resulted in reduced costs, and improved outcomes. 

Please Note: Leading Practices remain the intellectual property of the submitting organization, however, by submitting tools (calculators, spreadsheets, datasheet templates, etc.); the organization acknowledges and consents to allow these tools to be adapted and used by the public.

Submissions will be vetted by an AHRMM Task Force comprised of provider and non-provider members. All submitting organizations will be notified of their selection’s status by AHRMM.

* Template answers must be kept to two pages; fields are not restricted, i.e. submitter may determine the length of each field, as long as the entire synopsis remains on one page.

* Organizations may attach supporting documents and tools totaling eight (8) pages, total submission is not to exceed ten (10) pages (2 page template, 8 pages of tools).