Mentor Match
AHRMM Mentor Match
Available only to AHRMM members, the Mentor Match provides a tool for health care supply chain professionals to connect with more experienced professionals in the field. The process of mentoring is as rewarding for the mentor as the mentee. You are able to use your experience in a new way and contribute to the success of someone working in the very same field you are.
Additionally, you may learn something new yourself! As a mentee, a mentoring relationship can help you with career planning, working through a particularly challenging issue, or simply finding an encouraging role model. As a mentor, guiding the next generation of health care supply chain professionals can be an incredibly rewarding and meaningful experience.
No matter what you’re looking for, AHRMM Mentor Match will help you to connect with and learn from your peers. To serve as a mentor or mentee, join AHRMM today!
Join Mentor Match in Just Four Easy Steps:
How do I know if I have the right background to be a mentor?
- If you have at least 5 years of health care supply chain experience, you should be able to assist a supply chain peer who is newer to the job. In many ways a closer gap in experience is beneficial because you can still remember some of the same things they might be experiencing. The best match for a mentee is not always the person with the most years’ experience or highest level title, it’s someone who can relate to the person and help them move their career forward. Once you do find a match, click on that member's name, the link will bring you to their profile page. Look around. If you think it's a good match, look under their profile image for the Mentor Match badge, which when clicked will allow you to request a connection.
My current position has a narrow scope of focus. Does it still make sense for me to be a mentor?
- Yes! You may have past experiences that can help with your participation or, sometimes, it’s just the experience of looking at a problem from all angles that mentees need help with. Additionally, since the program is open to all AHRMM members, there may be a mentee request from someone with a similar scope.
What methods of communication do you use to mentor?
- Any and all should work, but you always need to consider the problem/purpose for the communication and choose the most appropriate delivery method. More complex issues are probably best discussed via a scheduled call or virtual meeting, while simple quick inquiries can be handled with email. After some time, the communication between mentor and mentee will become more refined and you will both get an understanding of the preferred communication methods. We all learn and communicate a little differently – finding someone who not only has the experiences to be of help, but also someone who communicates like you is the perfect match!
I would like to be both a mentor and mentee. Is that an option?
- Yes, just go in and complete both forms and you can be set up for both. If done right, the experience on both sides can be a benefit to everyone. I would like to sign up to be mentored, but I am so new to the field I worry about where to start. The mentoring program is designed to help all levels of experience in the healthcare supply chain field. Your level of experience will be matched appropriately to a mentor so that if you are new to health care supply chain, you are matched with someone with more experience, but not so much that they can’t relate to your situations.