Provider Membership

Individuals working in the supply chain department for a health care provider - hospitals, acute care facilities, non-acute care facilities, etc., are eligible for AHRMM Provider Membership.
AHRMM offers health care supply chain providers with the education, resources, tools, networking and professional development opportunities necessary to remain at the top of their field and advance their career.
AHRMM Membership Benefits
• Professional Development
• Peer Networking
• Education, Resources & Tools
• Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Magazine
• Discounted Annual Conference Registration
• CMRP Certification
• Advocacy
Professional Community

Community is one of the best benefits of joining AHRMM - connect with other young professionals like you, or find experienced professionals who can offer insights into the health care supply chain field.

Use AHRMM's professional development resources to explore career opportunities, find a mentor, review compensation stats for health care supply chain, and map out a plan for achieving your goals.

AHRMM membership gives you access to lifelong learning so you can continuously hone skills, strengths, and knowledge necessary to achieve your professional goals.

View professional development webinars, listen to a podcast, read curated content from Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions magazine, and apply for a scholarship to attend annual conference.
Membership Provider Affiliate Executive Young Professional Student Organizational Military Retiree
Please send all membership questions to or visit our Frequently Asked Questions.