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Clinical integration starts with physician champions. Supply chain executives can’t be experts in all areas, and successful clinical discussions tend to occur when physician leaders are the ones initiating those meetings with their physician peers. The physician leader should be able to challenge their colleagues to answer the question, “how does this really benefit the patient?” and “does it benefit beyond just improving a process? In addition, as part of the contract negotiations team, a physician can push back on the supplier to ask clinical questions about the product or device.
This book was written to enhance the strategic contributions of the healthcare supply chain in a way that is most meaningful to hospitals’ and health-systems’ value-based goals.
AHRMM19 CQO Summit White Paper entitled CQO: The Power of Clinical Integration.
The perioperative services administration at Massachusetts General created a rigorous and rapid approach to raising the level of cost awareness among its nursing, surgical technician, and surgical staff. In this webinar, the leadership team shares how they used data capture to assess supply use and how they changed the culture in their hospital to be more cost aware.
In today’s value-based care environment, hospitals continually strive to improve patient quality and outcomes. Benchmarking is a powerful tool that, if interpreted and used properly, can be a useful guide in this journey. This webinar provides an understanding of the purpose and use of a benchmarking strategy. The importance of benchmarking will be outlined, metrics defined, and tracking processes explained.
Supply chain is in the unique position, working with so many different disciplines within the hospital, that it is natural that they initiate conversations on the proper management of these products.Presented by: Karen Conway, Executive Director, Industry Relations, GHX and Mike Schiller, Senior Supply Chain Director, AHRMM
Tremendous cost pressures within the U.S. health care system are forcing providers to explore alternative ways to save money. To address this need, a TCO calculator has been developed to provide purchasers with a standardized and systematic way to consider the various use and waste costs of products that are procured. This webinar demonstrates the tool’s basic functions and shares resources available to support its use.
A panel of three leading experts in the value analysis field candidly share information regarding the state of value analysis when they entered the field, their experiences during the evolution of value analysis to its current state in their respective organizations, and their thoughts on the future state of value analysis as well as lessons learned along the way.
This webinar takes a deep look at industries that have evolved successful and meaningful supplier relationships to advance shared value among a network of suppliers. We will examine the Honda/Toyota experience of working among their suppliers and discuss key tools of collaboration, including barriers and partnership takeaways based on current provider supplier relationships.
A panel of health care industry leaders shares their insights and experiences in creating a best-practice supply chain that supports the intersection of cost, quality, and outcomes within their institutions.
 Price: Member: $765.00 | Non-Member: $950.00Continuing Education Credits (CECs): 20 hours (5 per module)
At Hershey Penn State Medical Center, the supply chain and ED nursing team came together in a Kaizen process to reinvent the way supplies were being managed in the ED. As a result of their efforts, a new business process and system was implemented, which increased nursing satisfaction from 10% to 90%, reduced costs and stock-outs, and created a continual improvement process that supports the team’s ongoing needs.
AHRMM Podcast on how supply chain should be interdepartmentally conversing to determine the handling of human-origin medical products and their UDIs.
The supply chain ecosystem has contributed to the 25% waste in the health care system. We can accept that reality while at the same time learning to incorporate spend reduction and cost recovery efforts as standard practice. Through technology, we can broaden communication across the health care community to become more efficient, free funds for other initiatives, and add greater value to health care.
Congratulations, you earned your Certified Materials & Resource Professional (CMRP) Certification! You may have just earned it, but experts say that you should think about how you will keep it – and soon. Allen Archer discusses the need to plan your way to renewal now and the documentation needed that you need to maintain. Presented by: Allen Archer, System Director of Supply Chain, Houston Healthcare Inc.
Now that the entire health care field is increasing its focus on value-based care, supply chain and physicians are working more closely together. Jarad Garshnick, AVP of Physician Advisors at HealthTrust discusses the top five areas that supply chain should consider when collaborating with physicians to reduce cost and clinical variations as they continue to improve outcomes. Presented by: Jarad Garshnick, AVP of Physician Advisors, HealthTrust Purchasing Group
Public and private reimbursement models continue to shift from paying for volume to paying for value. Today, value analysis programs must continue to produce savings while also supporting the attainment of high quality care. Listen as Dennis Orthman, Senior Director of Strategic Marketplace Initiative shares with you the exciting and challenging work that SMI has accomplished in partnership with the Association of Healthcare Value Analysis Professionals.
This webinar gives a brief overview of the ISM Report On Business, one of the most reliable near-term economic barometers available, and explains why government agencies, economists, and business leaders follow it closely. Learn about the development of the hospital specific report (the Hospital Report On Business), why it is important, and how you can be involved.
Health care costs continue to rise at an alarming rate, growing well ahead of inflation. In this webinar, we compare and contrast the education and training practices for supply chain professionals in each sector, the use of Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), and the use of actual usage data at the last leg of the supply chain as a means to enhance automated inventory control strategies.
As hospitals restructure to gain sustainability in an era of reform, it is crucial for supply chain leaders to work collaboratively within health systems and identify new opportunities for cost reduction in areas that generate savings and improve outcomes. This webinar focuses on key lessons and best practices using case studies from leading hospitals and health care systems that have successfully aligned their supply chain and strategic vision.