Allen Archer, System Director of Supply Chain at Houston Healthcare, leads a thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or regional/local contracting. Part 1 centers on the GPO’s role in helping member facilities support their CQO efforts.
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This webinar discusses the health care supply chain, its strengths and weaknesses. It reviews best practices around the industry, including what Intermountain Healthcare has done with building its own logistics/distribution functionality. It will also present the implications of the future of the industry with the changing horizon that comes with the Affordable Care Act, including preparing to serve non-acute operations.
Nattie Leger, Director of Nursing Pursuit of Value, discusses how Ochsner significantly reduced their 2015 surgical site infections rate and a substantial cost avoidance using an interdisciplinary and methodical Lean approach.
Presented by: Nattie Leger, Director of Nursing Pursuit of Value, Ochsner Health System
Social responsibility is an emerging area of importance for all health care supply chain professionals to understand and participate in. This webinar examines the evolving needs of communities, the historic role of hospitals as a community enterprise, and why hospitals and health systems are viewed by the public as an anchor of local life.
In this session, Dennis Black and Dennis Orthman share their experiences and best practices to improve and expand the provider-supplier relationship.
In part 2 of the GPO or Local/Self Contracting webcast series, the panel considers the multiple product categories and the process of choosing the most appropriate contracting option.
Part 3 of the GPO or Local/Self Contracting webcast series examines whether compliance can be achieved without alignment, and vice versa.
The supply chain ecosystem has contributed to the 25% waste in the health care system. We can accept that reality while at the same time learning to incorporate spend reduction and cost recovery efforts as standard practice. Through technology, we can broaden communication across the health care community to become more efficient, free funds for other initiatives, and add greater value to health care.
Panelists in Part 4 of the GPO or Local/Self Contracting webcast series focus on what providers should expect from their GPO partners. In a Part 5 bonus section, included only in the podcast version, we listen to the panelists answer questions of those who attended this session during the AHRMM16 Annual Conference.
New risk sharing models align the economics of an agreement to product or service performance and outcomes. In this webinar, we discuss this relatively new concept in health care and how sharing responsibility can enhance both parties’ performance levels and improve patient outcomes through mutual investment.
Health care costs continue to rise at an alarming rate, growing well ahead of inflation. In this webinar, we compare and contrast the education and training practices for supply chain professionals in each sector, the use of Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), and the use of actual usage data at the last leg of the supply chain as a means to enhance automated inventory control strategies.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued a proposed ruling which introduces three new episode payment models for Acute Myocardial Infarction, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts, and Surgical Hip/Femur Fracture Treatment. This webinar provides an overview of the proposed ruling and CJR changes and a discussion of how hospitals should be preparing for the go-live date of July 1, 2017.
This webinar takes a deep look at industries that have evolved successful and meaningful supplier relationships to advance shared value among a network of suppliers. We will examine the Honda/Toyota experience of working among their suppliers and discuss key tools of collaboration, including barriers and partnership takeaways based on current provider supplier relationships.
Contracting strategies, negotiation, and centralized contract management processes can generate significant savings in one of the largest areas of spend. A team of Hospital Executives shares the lessons learned, implementation experiences, and savings they brought their facilities, focusing on the non-traditional areas of spend.
In today’s value-based care environment, hospitals continually strive to improve patient quality and outcomes. Benchmarking is a powerful tool that, if interpreted and used properly, can be a useful guide in this journey. This webinar provides an understanding of the purpose and use of a benchmarking strategy. The importance of benchmarking will be outlined, metrics defined, and tracking processes explained.
On-site supply storage is one of the core competencies of effective supply chain management, and adhering to standards and regulations is an ongoing practice. Whether products are stored in bins or in cardboard boxes, supply chain must ensure all employees follow guidelines for patient safety. In this webinar, a panel of veteran supply chain professionals discuss The Joint Commission Standards and the necessity for risk assessment.
Nexera has incorporated Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) throughout their own organ
Through its Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence (HPOE) strategic platform, the American Hospital Association (AHA) has studied the role of the hospital of the future. As the health care segment of the economy transforms from a volume-based to a value-based market, HPOE has worked to detail actionable strategies and core competencies for hospitals to pursue to make this transition.
Price: Member: $49.00 | Non-Member: $99.00Continuing Education Credits (CECs): 1 hour
Health care organizations continue to look for new ways to reduce costs. Ultimately, data, clinical integration, and engaging multi-disciplinary stakeholders may be the major keys to success. In this webinar, we describe how a large health system sought to standardize endomechanical, suture, trocars, and surgical energy across multiple categories.