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Tracking surgical supplies is a challenge. Average returns for picked supplies is low, O.R. in-and-out traffic to retrieve items is high, and significant staff hours are spent checking consumption, restocking, and locating supplies. UTMC and DeRoyal have developed a "smart" radio frequency identification trash bin that tracks inventory used during a case, charges for that inventory, and shows where items are located in the room in real time.
Outsourcing of hospital functions is a common and growing practice in the U.S. and comprises on average 25% of total non-labor spend in hospitals. Many hospitals are finding that the outsourcing of some functions is a double-edged sword. This webinar will help you determine how to make decisions about which services to keep in house and which to outsource in the post-reform era of higher quality and cost savings.
At Hershey Penn State Medical Center, the supply chain and ED nursing team came together in a Kaizen process to reinvent the way supplies were being managed in the ED. As a result of their efforts, a new business process and system was implemented, which increased nursing satisfaction from 10% to 90%, reduced costs and stock-outs, and created a continual improvement process that supports the team’s ongoing needs.
Health care organizations continue to look for new ways to reduce costs. Ultimately, data, clinical integration, and engaging multi-disciplinary stakeholders may be the major keys to success. In this webinar, we describe how a large health system sought to standardize endomechanical, suture, trocars, and surgical energy across multiple categories.
Today, health systems are being forced to leverage disparate data from internal and external sources to drive business intelligence solutions. In this webinar, we review some of the challenges of disparate technology systems and how data can be better synchronized to drive meaningful understandings that fuel decisions.
The rapid advancement of barcode scanning and RFID technologies coupled with improved interoperability has enabled a new level of data analytics that will impact the entire health care field. This webinar focuses on how automated capture of the UDI serves as the basis for improving current operations and predicting which devices will be the most effective.
The role of the supply chain is more important in health care than ever before due to the rising economic challenges that are faced today. This three-part on-demand series focuses on WHY strategic planning is important, WHAT a supply chain strategic plan should include, and HOW to implement a new strategic plan at your organization.
An integrated culture, best in class supply chain practices, and data-driven insights all maximize savings and make a difference in health care organizations. In this webinar, experts discuss how supply chain operations impact total costs for a health care organization. Gain a thorough understanding of the often overlooked leading practices in the health care supply chain, such as utilization control and assessing information.
Management of inventory turns, reducing waste due to product expiration, and reducing annual audit shortfalls are all possible thanks to the UDI barcode. In this first webinar of a three-part series, leading field experts focus on the immense benefits of using scanning technology to document medical device usage.
Advocate Health Care developed a provider-supplier partnership that reduced re-admission rates and improved quality of care inside and outside of the hospitals. This webinar discusses elements of the collaborative research, the clinical economic baseline and outcome, as well as how the quality improvement program components lead to better care process.
Telehealth is here to stay, and supply chain must be aware of happenings within their communities and their own health care organizations. This webinar discusses telehealth services and their various modes, how supply chain can contribute to telehealth success, and what steps are needed to maintain that success.
Management of inventory turns, reducing waste due to product expiration, and reducing inventory reconciliation adjustments are all possible thanks to the UDI barcode. In this webinar, leading experts discuss best practices for data capture and the approaches that achieve the best outcomes based on potential use case scenarios.