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Tracking surgical supplies is a challenge. Average returns for picked supplies is low, O.R. in-and-out traffic to retrieve items is high, and significant staff hours are spent checking consumption, restocking, and locating supplies. UTMC and DeRoyal have developed a "smart" radio frequency identification trash bin that tracks inventory used during a case, charges for that inventory, and shows where items are located in the room in real time.
Tremendous cost pressures within the U.S. health care system are forcing providers to explore alternative ways to save money. To address this need, a TCO calculator has been developed to provide purchasers with a standardized and systematic way to consider the various use and waste costs of products that are procured. This webinar demonstrates the tool’s basic functions and shares resources available to support its use.
Wellmont Health System in Tennessee has developed a scorecard to help supply chain executives convince even the toughest clinicians and hospital administrators to collaborate and drive down overall costs (while maintaining the highest standards of patient care and safety) by speaking their language: evidence. This webinar provides detail on how to use the DRG scorecard. An excel file of the scorecard is provided upon completion.
Health care costs continue to rise at an alarming rate, growing well ahead of inflation. In this webinar, we compare and contrast the education and training practices for supply chain professionals in each sector, the use of Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), and the use of actual usage data at the last leg of the supply chain as a means to enhance automated inventory control strategies.
Yankee Alliance facilitated an Orthopedic Total Joint Collaborative in order to identify opportunities for quality improvement and cost reduction, resulting in documented savings of over $8M. In this webinar, the collaborative approach is reviewed as well as the methods deployed to achieve savings, including implant and reimbursement benchmarking, contract strategies, and perioperative supplies utilizing data analysis.
The supply chain ecosystem has contributed to the 25% waste in the health care system. We can accept that reality while at the same time learning to incorporate spend reduction and cost recovery efforts as standard practice. Through technology, we can broaden communication across the health care community to become more efficient, free funds for other initiatives, and add greater value to health care.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued a proposed ruling which introduces three new episode payment models for Acute Myocardial Infarction, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts, and Surgical Hip/Femur Fracture Treatment. This webinar provides an overview of the proposed ruling and CJR changes and a discussion of how hospitals should be preparing for the go-live date of July 1, 2017.
Developing a clinically integrated supply chain can lead to organizational savings, a decrease in ordering of supplies outside of the supply chain, and can help return nurses and other clinical professionals back to their primary focus of patient care. This webinar explores what is needed for the successful development and implementation of a clinically integrated team that performs value analysis across a variety of facilities under one system.
Contracting strategies, negotiation, and centralized contract management processes can generate significant savings in one of the largest areas of spend. A team of Hospital Executives shares the lessons learned, implementation experiences, and savings they brought their facilities, focusing on the non-traditional areas of spend.
The Intermountain Healthcare Supply Chain Organization has embarked on strategy to drive costs out of the healthcare supply chain. As a part of that strategy, a consolidated distribution center was built for distribution of medical-surgical supplies, pharmacy products, and other ancillary services. The webinar focuses on the key lessons learned on the journey to self-distribution.
New risk sharing models align the economics of an agreement to product or service performance and outcomes. In this webinar, we discuss this relatively new concept in health care and how sharing responsibility can enhance both parties’ performance levels and improve patient outcomes through mutual investment.
Uncontrolled and unchanneled spend through purchase order requests, P-Card use, or petty cash pose a major problem. In this webinar, we show how to limit contractual authority for the procurement of goods, services, and capital within your organization through the development of a General Contract policy that controls and channels almost every purchase through the purchasing department.
In today’s value-based care environment, hospitals continually strive to improve patient quality and outcomes. Benchmarking is a powerful tool that, if interpreted and used properly, can be a useful guide in this journey. This webinar provides an understanding of the purpose and use of a benchmarking strategy. The importance of benchmarking will be outlined, metrics defined, and tracking processes explained.
This webinar explains how supplier diversity can be a valuable investment toward sustainability. Presenters define supplier diversity and the associated specific designations and discuss the evolution of supplier diversity. Get a glimpse into how to build a business case for supplier diversity including the scope and benefits (CQO and Sustainability) for the supplier and purchaser, as well as the importance of executive support.
Health care organizations continue to look for new ways to reduce costs. Ultimately, data, clinical integration, and engaging multi-disciplinary stakeholders may be the major keys to success. In this webinar, we describe how a large health system sought to standardize endomechanical, suture, trocars, and surgical energy across multiple categories.
Cybersecurity impacts all industry verticals including health care. Health care organizations need to address security in standard technology and medical devices. In this webinar, we discuss eight key practices straight from the Mayo Clinic’s cybersecurity strategy.
In light of the closure of some facilities that use gas ethylene oxide (EtO) to sterilize medical devices prior to their distribution and use, the FDA is looking at the future availability of medical devices and the possibility of medical device shortages. This webinar highlights potential alternatives to EtO, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to determine what kind of sterilization is best for your organization.
Today, health systems are being forced to leverage disparate data from internal and external sources to drive business intelligence solutions. In this webinar, we review some of the challenges of disparate technology systems and how data can be better synchronized to drive meaningful understandings that fuel decisions.
Sustainable leadership is a hot topic being discussed throughout the health care supply chain field, and with good cause. In this webinar, hear an engaging conversation with emerging, retiring, and change leaders and their perspectives on the leadership skills needed for the current and future workforce.
The rapid advancement of barcode scanning and RFID technologies coupled with improved interoperability has enabled a new level of data analytics that will impact the entire health care field. This webinar focuses on how automated capture of the UDI serves as the basis for improving current operations and predicting which devices will be the most effective.