This on-demand session was presented at the Spring Summit: Transformational Excellence.
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Senior leaders within the finance/supply chain and risk management disciplines share their thoughts on the organizational and patient risks related to current vulnerabilities and action planning that health care organizations can take to minimize their exposure to these risks.
COVID-19 has forced us all to embrace and rely on virtual technology to conduct business. This sudden change has impacted supply chain operations and strategy execution, from staffing to supplier engagement and operational performance.
Supply chain leaders share their processes and experiences in managing non-labor and non-personnel expenses.
Provider panelists discuss their post-pandemic approach to their business continuity programs, working with non-traditional buyers, diversifying their suppliers and the increased focus on supply chain analytics.
Developing a clinically integrated supply chain can lead to organizational savings, a decrease in ordering of supplies outside of the supply chain, and can help return nurses and other clinical professionals back to their primary focus of patient care. This webinar explores what is needed for the successful development and implementation of a clinically integrated team that performs value analysis across a variety of facilities under one system.
Outsourcing of hospital functions is a common and growing practice in the U.S. and comprises on average 25% of total non-labor spend in hospitals. Many hospitals are finding that the outsourcing of some functions is a double-edged sword. This webinar will help you determine how to make decisions about which services to keep in house and which to outsource in the post-reform era of higher quality and cost savings.
Supply chain leaders are being charged with mission-critical tasks that require C-suite level engagement and buy-in. In this webinar, we discuss how supply chain can gain and maintain regular access to the C-suite, leverage relationships with senior-level executives, along with how to create and communicate value at the executive level.
Uncontrolled variation is the enemy of quality, and quite a bit of uncontrolled variation exists in the medical device industry today. Using dis-intermediation, or a rep-less model, for medical device purchases helps reduce this variation. In this webinar, we review the current industry model for medical device sales and the opportunity for innovation in this space.
New risk sharing models align the economics of an agreement to product or service performance and outcomes. In this webinar, we discuss this relatively new concept in health care and how sharing responsibility can enhance both parties’ performance levels and improve patient outcomes through mutual investment.
Take a close look at what can be done to improve speeches made in front of a large audience. In this webinar, we explain the construction of a talk, what information will your audience be most receptive to, and how should you get it across.
We all question whether some health care supply chains outperform others, which competencies separate those supply chain professionals from the rest, if customers and financial markets appreciate the differences, and what business lessons are there for the health care industry.
This webinar takes a deep look at industries that have evolved successful and meaningful supplier relationships to advance shared value among a network of suppliers. We will examine the Honda/Toyota experience of working among their suppliers and discuss key tools of collaboration, including barriers and partnership takeaways based on current provider supplier relationships.
The engagement and alignment of employees accelerates achievement of quality, safety, service and operational goals. These tasks are easily stated but challenging to execute. Discover what leaders must do to create true employee collaboration through "managing up".
NYU Langone Health adopted High Reliability Organization (HRO) principles and developed a transformational approach in order to support clinical needs and drive quality patient outcomes. In this webinar, supply chain leaders discuss NYU Langone's supply chain transformation. Presenters cover HRO education and concept training, action-oriented committees and project specific development, as well as planning and implementation.
Budget Impact Analysis (BIA) is a type of analysis that can bridge organizational gaps to help improve coverage decisions for new products or procedures. Because a BIA can be adjusted to meet the goals of a particular population with particular needs, it can also improve the value and the quality of healthcare. This type of analysis can help Supply Chain leaders and their collaborative value analysis teams to make local adoption decisions in a timely manner.
Through its Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence (HPOE) strategic platform, the American Hospital Association (AHA) has studied the role of the hospital of the future. As the health care segment of the economy transforms from a volume-based to a value-based market, HPOE has worked to detail actionable strategies and core competencies for hospitals to pursue to make this transition.
The perioperative services administration at Massachusetts General created a rigorous and rapid approach to raising the level of cost awareness among its nursing, surgical technician, and surgical staff. In this webinar, the leadership team shares how they used data capture to assess supply use and how they changed the culture in their hospital to be more cost aware.
Lean Management is a strategy for modifying processes so that we reduce the burden on supply chain resources, while still providing the customer with the value they want and expect. This webinar provides an overview of supply chain management and the areas that could be modified to reduce waste.
In order to become data-driven organizations, healthcare providers need to leverage data standards and information technology. In the past, lack of standards across healthcare has been a major roadblock. However, numerous governmental and industry initiatives pursuing the adoption and implementation of supply chain standards across health IT systems are giving providers the opportunity to do just that. Standards lay the foundation for supply chain operations to leverage information technology to help transform healthcare providers into data-driven organizations.