Improve Cost Reduction: A Multidisciplinary and Big Picture Approach


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Price: Member: FREE  |  Non-Member: $49.00

CEC Hours: 1

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Health care organizations continue to look for new ways to reduce costs. Ultimately, data, clinical integration, and engaging multi-disciplinary stakeholders may be the major keys to success. In this webinar, we describe how a large health system sought to standardize endomechanical, suture, trocars, and surgical energy across multiple categories. By working with value analysis teams, reviewing various scenarios, and analyzing data, this organization incorporated clinical feedback on quality of products and yielded cost savings for the system while maintaining a net-positive revenue impact. We also discuss how leaders of the organization came to this decision through collaboration with supply chain and finance.

How this session relates to the Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) Movement: The cost and quality review of products along with overall outcomes positively impacted revenue.


Learning Objectives:

  • Achieve cost savings through clinical scenario analytics.
  • Review cost and revenue implications to have a net positive revenue impact.
  • Enhance relationships between clinical stakeholders, finance, and supply chain.


Target Audience:

This webinar is recommended for sourcing and procurement leadership and for finance health care professionals.



  • Ritika Ghose — Senior Manager, Nexera, Inc.
  • Ryan Schneider — Senior Consultant, Nexera, Inc.


This webinar is sponsored by Nexera and Acurity.

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