This session is a comprehensive approach to understanding Lean Management System concepts, processes, tools, and their application to improving inventory management in the health care supply chain.
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Lean Management is a strategy for modifying processes so that we reduce the burden on supply chain resources, while still providing the customer with the value they want and expect. This webinar provides an overview of supply chain management and the areas that could be modified to reduce waste.
Developing a clinically integrated supply chain can lead to organizational savings, a decrease in ordering of supplies outside of the supply chain, and can help return nurses and other clinical professionals back to their primary focus of patient care. This webinar explores what is needed for the successful development and implementation of a clinically integrated team that performs value analysis across a variety of facilities under one system.
The Intermountain Healthcare Supply Chain Organization has embarked on strategy to drive costs out of the healthcare supply chain. As a part of that strategy, a consolidated distribution center was built for distribution of medical-surgical supplies, pharmacy products, and other ancillary services. The webinar focuses on the key lessons learned on the journey to self-distribution.
At Hershey Penn State Medical Center, the supply chain and ED nursing team came together in a Kaizen process to reinvent the way supplies were being managed in the ED. As a result of their efforts, a new business process and system was implemented, which increased nursing satisfaction from 10% to 90%, reduced costs and stock-outs, and created a continual improvement process that supports the team’s ongoing needs.
Nattie Leger, Director of Nursing Pursuit of Value, discusses how Ochsner significantly reduced their 2015 surgical site infections rate and a substantial cost avoidance using an interdisciplinary and methodical Lean approach.
Presented by: Nattie Leger, Director of Nursing Pursuit of Value, Ochsner Health System
Nattie Leger, Director of Nursing Pursuit of Value, discusses how Ochsner significantly reduced their 2015 surgical site infections rate and a substantial cost avoidance using an interdisciplinary and methodical Lean approach.
Lean Six Sigma (LSS) is a combination of two process improvement methods. Lean is a system that works to eliminate waste, making processes faster and simpler to follow; it is about doing more with less and speeding things up.
This paper describes the development of a multidisciplinary and innovative product conversion process at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston, Massachusetts, when the existing process for changing products was dysfunctional.
This paper explores the application of the Baldrige Excellence Framework to the health care supply chain. Specifically, the paper will explore the reasons that the Baldrige Framework might be used to evaluate and improve supply chain systems and processes. An examination of the need of a systems perspective will be followed by a brief overview of the Baldrige program.
The surgical instrument management software (SIM) implementation began in October of 2003 and a Lean initiative to redesign processes began in October 2005. Implementation of all the initial recommendations was not complete until June of 2006.
Purchasing in healthcare is largely based on a hierarchical management style. In an experimental case started in 2004, at Floyd Medical Center in Rome, Georgia, this standard was altered. The introduction of a team concept combined with lean manufacturing practices to this traditional purchasing setting was unique. The results of this radical change over the past eight years have been exceptional. The paper describes the steps taken to change the culture, the actions taken to implement lean tools, and the wins achieved by the team.
Scottsdale Healthcare is a community-based, not-for-profit health system which includes Scottsdale Healthcare Thompson Peak Hospital, Scottsdale Healthcare Shea Medical Center and Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn Medical Center, the Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center at Scottsdale Healthcare, Scottsdale Healthcare Primary Care centers, Scottsdale Healthcare Research Institute and outpatient services. A leader in medical innovation, talent, and technology, Scottsdale Healthcare was founded in 1962 and is based in Scottsdale, Arizona.
This page provides information about submitting data to the database for device Labelers, entities responsible for providing the data to the GUDID.
An overview of Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program.