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In part 2 of the GPO or Local/Self Contracting webcast series, the panel considers the multiple product categories and the process of choosing the most appropriate contracting option.
Outsourcing of hospital functions is a common and growing practice in the U.S. and comprises on average 25% of total non-labor spend in hospitals. Many hospitals are finding that the outsourcing of some functions is a double-edged sword. This webinar will help you determine how to make decisions about which services to keep in house and which to outsource in the post-reform era of higher quality and cost savings.
  Price: Member: $196.00 | Non-Member: $396.00 Continuing Education Credits (CECs): 3 hours
We all question whether some health care supply chains outperform others, which competencies separate those supply chain professionals from the rest, if customers and financial markets appreciate the differences, and what business lessons are there for the health care industry. 
In many organizations, the relationship between supply chain and accounts payable is strained due to lack of clarity and ownership. This webinar discusses ways to form a collaborative, streamlined, and process-driven approach to reconciling purchase order errors, facilitating purchase order matching, and creating positive outcomes for departments and vendors.
AHRMM members discuss why they chose to earn their Certified Materials Resource Professional (CMRP) Certification and the rewards they have gained personally and professionally.
Part 3 of the GPO or Local/Self Contracting webcast series examines whether compliance can be achieved without alignment, and vice versa.
The Intermountain Healthcare Supply Chain Organization has embarked on strategy to drive costs out of the healthcare supply chain. As a part of that strategy, a consolidated distribution center was built for distribution of medical-surgical supplies, pharmacy products, and other ancillary services. The webinar focuses on the key lessons learned on the journey to self-distribution.
In this three-part series, Lisa Tonkinson and Chris Wiekert discuss how the Revenue Cycle can impact your supply chain when embarking on a new software implementation or integration and what you need to know to plan ahead and optimize your technology effectively. Part one discusses the ins and outs of implementing new technology.Presented by: Lisa Tonkinson, Principle, Patient Craft and Chris Wiekert, Senior Product Manager, Infor
This webinar provides an overview of the reasons for drug shortages, recent advocacy efforts to ameliorate the situation, and action steps organizations can take to minimize the impact of drug shortages on patient care. Specific drug shortage examples such as the IV fluids shortage are discussed.
Resiliency in the operating room is imperative in today’s health care climate. A well-functioning OR has the potential to increase the number of patients served and further enhance its contribution to the hospital's bottom line. This presentation discusses how supply chain process improvements help achieve CQO in the OR.
Hospitals need a tool to leverage the use of UDI within their health care organizations to empower the Cost, Quality, Outcomes Movement. This webinar explains the many benefits the UDI system can bring both to a hospital’s bottom line and to patients. With proper tools implemented by healthcare providers, UDI will help to lower cost and increase quality, thereby improving patient outcomes.
This session explains the benefits of implementing the UDI such as immediate device status updates through collaboration with manufacturers and suppliers, increased patient care satisfaction, and how the data you collect can turn your analytics into strategic and critical business decisions. Learn the step by step process that FMOLHS used to implement UDI.
Health care organizations continue to look for new ways to reduce costs. Ultimately, data, clinical integration, and engaging multi-disciplinary stakeholders may be the major keys to success. In this webinar, we describe how a large health system sought to standardize endomechanical, suture, trocars, and surgical energy across multiple categories.
Cybersecurity impacts all industry verticals including health care. Health care organizations need to address security in standard technology and medical devices. In this webinar, we discuss eight key practices straight from the Mayo Clinic’s cybersecurity strategy.
In light of the closure of some facilities that use gas ethylene oxide (EtO) to sterilize medical devices prior to their distribution and use, the FDA is looking at the future availability of medical devices and the possibility of medical device shortages. This webinar highlights potential alternatives to EtO, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to determine what kind of sterilization is best for your organization.
John Kelty from W.L. Gore & Associates discusses how value analysis committees can determine a medical devices value when evaluating new products. 
Today, health systems are being forced to leverage disparate data from internal and external sources to drive business intelligence solutions. In this webinar, we review some of the challenges of disparate technology systems and how data can be better synchronized to drive meaningful understandings that fuel decisions.
The AHRMM Keys for Supply Chain Excellence are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that set the standard for supply chain management in the health care field. AHRMM has developed the AHRMM Keys for Supply Chain Excellence – essential Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that every health care supply chain should be measuring.
EtO Quality Advisory Overview: The AHA and AHRMM have released a Quality Advisory on ethylene oxide sterilization of medical devices. The AHA and AHRMM will continue to update members on this issue.       Read Advisory