The white paper written as a result of the AHRMM Executive Thought Leader Summit held during the AHRMM14 Annual Conference & Exhibition in Orlando, Florida.
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The paper presents healthcare supply chain tools and strategies for navigating the Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) Movement, and explores new initiatives designed to advance the supply chain from a transactional program to a strategic contributor to organizational success.
In 2015, AHRMM convened the AHRMM Thought Leader Task Force, an exploratory group tasked with uncovering applications of the Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) Movement across the healthcare field.
The Task Force objectives were developed based on recommendations from the first ever Thought Leader Summit on CQO held at the 2014 AHRMM Conference and Exhibition.
A recap of the Executive Thought Leader Forum hosted by AHRMM on August 6, 2012, to discuss the transforming healthcare environment.
AHRMM comments to the FDA regarding an amendment to the UDI proposed rule to address the UDI implementation time frame required by the 2012 Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA).
In this page, AHRMM recommends these 3 proactive activities in the event of economic downturn.
View a copy of the survey report (PDF)
This Special Fraud Alert focuses on the specific attributes and practices of PODs that OIG believes produce substantial fraud and abuse risk and pose dangers to patient safety.
On November 21, 2013, AHRMM submitted electronically
This learning lab covers alarm safety management in the health care supply chain field.