The Manufacturer and Distributor Perspective on Building Supply Chain Resiliency (Re-engineering the Health Care Supply Chain: CQO Thought Leader Discussion Series)

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Price: Member: FREE  |  Non-Member: $49.00

CEC Hours: 1

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Re-engineering the Health Care Supply Chain: A CQO Thought Leader Discussion Series” is hosted by AHRMM's Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Movement sponsors. This webinar series focuses on how the health care supply chain will evolve and be more resilient in the post-pandemic environment.

The resiliency of the health care supply chain is interdependent upon the resiliency of the manufacturer and distributor supply chain. In the first webinar of the series, distributor and manufacturer panelists discuss their changing strategies relating to COVID-19 lessons, domestic versus international production and ways providers, distributors and manufacturers need to work together moving forward.

For future webinars in this series, visit the AHRMM Calendar.


Moderator: Karen Conway, Vice President, Healthcare Value, GHX


  • Christine Arme, Vice President Healthcare Systems & Strategic Channels, Medical Solutions Division, 3M Health Care Business Group
  • Lisa Hohman, CEO, Concordance Healthcare Solutions
  • Ruben Taborda, Senior Director, Hospital and Distributor Supply Chain Solutions, Johnson & Johnson


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