
Leveraging Technology, Inventory Management, Unique Device Identifier (UDI), Cost Management, Analytics & Research

Scanning 101: Improving Patient Safety and Reducing Costs

Management of inventory turns, reducing waste due to product expiration, and reducing annual audit shortfalls are all possible thanks to the UDI barcode. In this first webinar of a three-part series, leading field experts focus on the immense benefits of using scanning technology to document medical device usage.

Value Analysis, Clinical Resource Management (CRM), Cost Management, Strategic Sourcing, Suppliers

Malnutrition Care Management

Advocate Health Care developed a provider-supplier partnership that reduced re-admission rates and improved quality of care inside and outside of the hospitals. This webinar discusses elements of the collaborative research, the clinical economic baseline and outcome, as well as how the quality improvement program components lead to better care process.

Value Analysis, Analytics & Research

Podcast: Aligning Patient Data to Help Decision Makers Improve Care

For decisions related to patient care, administrators and physicians often need data from outside of their department.
Listen as Jill Cotchen discusses how data crosses over departments and is interpreted to address real-life scenarios, and the necessity to take into account different benchmarking and costing methodologies to accurately quantify cost and impact to your organization.