Optimizing Purchased Services Post-COVID


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Price: Member: FREE  |  Non-Member: $49.00

CEC Hours: 1

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With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, business continuity became a matter of survival for many hospitals across the country and thrust supply chain to the center of boardroom-level focus. Underpinning these conversations are suppliers and third-party services, which play an indelible role in the evolving response. This webinar will cover the role that purchased services providers will continue to serve, and where supply chain holds opportunities to optimize supplier agreements to improve department transparency and relationship ownership. Stakeholders tend to own the business relationships with purchased services providers; however, this creates challenges for the supply chain to optimize category spend given a disparate approach.


Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the role of purchased services during COVID-19 and the renewed importance on supplier relationships
  • Consider how stringent category planning can help you build a case for supplier resiliency within your own institution
  • List two reasons why should you prioritize value over price when purchasing services



  • Anna Ormiston, Sr. Director, Strategic Sourcing & Data, Conductiv
  • Nicole Barker, RN, Customer Success and Member Engagement, Conductiv

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