Business Case for the UDI Presentation


With significant pressures on hospitals and healthcare systems, it is incumbent upon those who recognize the benefits of UDI to build the business case for UDI adoption in the healthcare delivery environment. As the one discipline that works with operational, clinical, financial and technical leaders, supply chain professionals can help build the business case that documents value for multiple stakeholders.

Download the Business Case for UDI work group presentation and share it with your organization and other stakeholders. By identifying current and future workflows around key hospital processes, the workgroup has provided insights that can help identify areas of investment necessary and corresponding benefits. Healthcare systems can take the current state workflows and adjust them as necessary to match their specific processes and also make any necessary adjustments to the future state to align with their vision for UDI adoption.

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Press Releases
CHICAGO, July 23, 2020 — In partnership with the Association for Health Care Resource & Materials Management (AHRMM) of the American Hospital A