CMS Bundled Payments


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Price: Member: FREE  |  Non-Member: $99.00

CEC Hours: 1

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On July 25, 2016 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed ruling which introduces three new episode payment models (EPMs) for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts (CABG), and Surgical Hip/Femur Fracture Treatment (SHFFT). The proposal also included a Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) incentive payment model and changes to the currently active Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacements (CJR). This webinar provides an overview of the proposed ruling and CJR changes and a discussion of how hospitals should be preparing for the go-live date of July 1, 2017.


Learning Objectives:
  • Understand what comprises a Cardiovascular Care (CV) bundle.
  • Relate important changes to CJR that affect your hospitals.
  • Discuss the potential effects of the proposed mandates to your facility.


  • April Simon, RN, MSN — Assistant Vice President, HealthTrust
  • Todd Devree — Director of Bundled Payments, HealthTrust


This webinar is sponsored by HealthTrust.

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