Essentials of Health Care Supply Chain Certificate Series

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On-Demand Educational Webinars
In many organizations, the relationship between supply chain and accounts payable is strained due to lack of clarity and ownership. This webinar…
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Uncontrolled and unchanneled spend through purchase order requests, P-Card use, or petty cash pose a major problem. In this webinar, we show how to…
Part 3 of the GPO or Local/Self Contracting webcast series examines whether compliance can be achieved without alignment, and vice versa.
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Learn about the strategies that have been successful at Dignity Health in developing a purchased services product line. In this webinar we explain…
Become an expert in health care inventory management with AHRMM's certification program. Gain the skills to optimize your supply chain. Enroll now!
Panelists in Part 4 of the GPO or Local/Self Contracting webcast series focus on what providers should expect from their GPO partners. In a Part 5…