GPO or Local/Self Contracting Series BONUS Part 5: AHRMM16 Audience Q&A


A thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or regional/local contracting. In a Part 5 bonus section, included only in the podcast version, we listen to the panelists answer questions of those who attended this session during the AHRMM16 Annual Conference.

Allen Archer, System Director of Supply Chain at Houston Healthcare, leads a thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or regional/local contracting. In the Part 5 bonus podcast, listen as panelists answer attendee questions during this session at the AHRMM16 Conference in San Diego.

Allen Archer, System Director of Supply Chain at Houston Healthcare

Preston Hall, Director, Materials Management, Clarion
Jay Kirkpatrick, CEO, MidAmerica Region, HealthTrust
Michael Louviere, System VP Supply Chain, Ochsner Health System
Joe Walsh, Executive Vice President of Operations, Pensiamo

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As we redefine healthcare into a value-based service, it is critical to develop the type of partner relationship where trust and respect are at the
A thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or
A thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or
A thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or