How Inventory Redesign Strengthens the Clinically Integrated Supply Chain


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Price: Member: FREE  |  Non-Member: $49.00

CEC Hours: 1

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Developing a clinically integrated supply chain can lead to organizational savings, a decrease in ordering of supplies outside of the supply chain, and can help return nurses and other clinical professionals back to their primary focus of patient care. A clinically integrated supply chain is achieved through rapid standardization, KanBan reorganization, and careful value analysis.

Learn how an organization can evolve its value analysis process into a clinically integrated system that is practical, sustainable, includes all necessary stakeholders, and uses best practice and evidence-based medicine. This webinar explores what is needed for the successful development and implementation of a clinically integrated team that performs value analysis across a variety of facilities under one system.

How this session relates to the Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) Movement: Lower costs are the result of a program where products are carefully vetted by a clinically integrated team and placed and ordered on contract by the supply chain team. Through the implementation of the KanBan system and rapid standardization, clinicians will have more time to work with their patients, leading to improved quality of patient care and the improvement of reimbursement outcomes.


Learning Objectives:
  • Explain the benefits of clinical integration as it applies to supply chain and in relation to saving the time of clinical professionals.
  • Describe the process of rapid standardization and its effect on a system of provider organizations.
  • Outline the necessity of leadership involvement, the principles of LEAN/Toyota Production System, and the sustainability of the process.


  • Dr. Marilyn Gates — Physician Advisor, Nexera Inc.


This webinar is sponsored by Nexera.

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