Lean Six Sigma Process for Inventory Management


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CEC Hours: 1

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At Hershey Penn State Medical Center, the supply chain and ED nursing team came together in a Kaizen process to reinvent the way supplies were being managed in the ED. As a result of their efforts, a new business process and system was implemented, which increased nursing satisfaction from 10% to 90%, reduced costs by eliminating cabinet rental fees and reducing overstocking, reduced stock-outs, and created a continual improvement process that supports the team’s ongoing needs. This is a great example of collaboration between clinical and supply chain.


Learning Objectives:
  • Describe the shared benefits achieved by nursing and supply chain after successfully implementing a Lean Six Sigma approach to continuous improvement.
  • Understand inventory management approaches and determine how to select an approach that meets the specific needs of a department or area of hospital.
  • Understand key data points related to inventory in order to better plan, manage, and drive successful results


  • Matthew Brennan — Director of Supply & Logistics, Penn State Hershey Medical Center


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