Managing Supply Chain in Health Care Reform


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Price: Member: FREE  |  Non-Member: $99.00

CEC Hours: 1

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This webinar discusses the health care supply chain, its strengths and weaknesses. It reviews best practices around the industry, including what Intermountain Healthcare has done with building its own logistics/distribution functionality. It will also present the implications of the future of the industry with the changing horizon that comes with the Affordable Care Act, including preparing to serve non-acute operations. While there is no solution that applies to every situation, a final discussion reviews the options that small and large hospital organizations have to add value via decreased costs and improved quality and outcomes.


Learning Objectives:
  • Recognize why the health care supply chain is more costly than that of other industries.
  • Identify best practice strategies in managing logistics within the supply chain.
  • Recognize the challenges and opportunities that come with health care reform.
  • Determine how to apply what makes sense for your organization.


  • Brent Johnson — Vice President Supply Chain & Support Services, Intermountain Healthcare


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