A Question of Ownership Aligning Processes Between Accounts Payable and Supply Chain


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Price: Member: FREE  |  Non-Member: $99.00

CEC Hours: 1

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In many organizations, the relationship between supply chain and accounts payable is strained due to lack of clarity and ownership. This webinar discusses ways to form a collaborative, streamlined, and process-driven approach to reconciling purchase order errors, facilitating purchase order matching, and creating positive outcomes for departments and vendors. Learn ways to create team oriented work-groups, utilize automation to promote process change, and effectively use root-cause analysis for a strong procure-to-pay system.


Learning Objectives:
  • Develop a road map to work collaboratively with your accounts payable department.
  • Devise a strategy for ownership of tasks related to procure-to-pay activities.
  • Learn tactics to foster a spirit of teamwork and create a comprehensive vendor payment process.
  • Find ways to utilize automation to streamline activities between supply chain and accounts payable.


  • William Stitt — Principal & COO, Credibility Healthcare


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