UDI: A Story of Implementation


Hear one provider’s ongoing process of UDI implementation, from deciphering acronyms and educating interdepartmental staff, to working with vendors to redesign ERP software to meet FDA data capture and reporting regulations, all while creating procedures for others to follow.

Related Resources

White Papers
This paper will define the regulation and explore how a supply chain department can support their organization in meeting this aspect of the regu
Case Studies
A UDI Capture Work Group Case Study at the Baptist Health.
In part one, we explore the reasons why the FDA created the (UOU) Unit of Use.
In the third part of the the FDA Unique Device Identification (UDI) “Unit of Use” (UOU) webcast series, we cover several potential use cases for th
In part two of the FDA Unique Device Identification (UDI) Unit of Use (UOU) webcast series, we cover the FDA definition of the term, Unit of Use.
Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
From a supply chain perspective, the use of UDIs will help with the visibility of supplies throughout the continuum of care.