UDI Adoption Reference List


AHRMM has compiled a list of health care organizations utilizing the UDI or planning to implement UDI adoption within the next 12 months. Download the UDI Adoption Reference List and connect with other health care leaders to discuss the UDI adoption initiatives and obtain advice from colleagues who are further along the adoption curve. 

Related Resources

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Hospitals need a tool to leverage the use of UDI within their health care organizations to empower the Cost, Quality, Outcomes Movement. This webinar…
On-Demand Educational Webinars
The rapid advancement of barcode scanning and RFID technologies coupled with improved interoperability has enabled a new level of data analytics that…
Lana Makhanik and Peter Fiorentino discuss discus why Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is breathing easier after they overhauled their inventor
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Management of inventory turns, reducing waste due to product expiration, and reducing annual audit shortfalls are all possible thanks to the UDI…
In this informational session, Karen Conway discusses her research with the FDA on value and the UDI.
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Management of inventory turns, reducing waste due to product expiration, and reducing inventory reconciliation adjustments are all possible thanks to…