
Jeff Berman, Principal and Healthcare Supply Chain Practice Leader at Grant Thornton, discusses emerging trends in the health care supply chain due to COVID-19 and steps health care organizations can take to build a stronger and more resilient supply chain.
Michael Brown, Director of Supply Chain Management and Eric Swaim, Manager of Strategic Sourcing and Vendor Management at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston share their unique approach to sourcing PPE supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic and how they plan to continue sourcing in the future.
Listen as distributor and manufacturer panelists discuss their changing strategies relating to COVID-19 lessons, domestic verses international production and ways providers, distributors and manufacturers need to work together moving forward.
Karen Conway, Vice President, Healthcare Value at GHX and Mike Schiller, Senior Director of Supply Chain at AHRMM discuss the value of UDI beyond regulations highlighting recall management and how manufacturers can help.   Also available as a podcast.
AHRMM presents a four-part series on successful collaboration with suppliers. In part four, Brent Petty, executive industry consultant at Lexmark International, discusses supply chain leaders’ top concerns and how suppliers can be a helpful partner.   The Secrets of Successful Collaboration…
Brent Petty, executive industry consultant, Healthcare Lexmark International, discusses what forces are currently affecting health care and the platform hospitals use for decision-making criteria.
Learn about the strategies that have been successful at Dignity Health in developing a purchased services product line. In this webinar we explain how to develop a purchased services contracting product line, discuss the unique challenges in this area, and show you how to estimate the potential…
This webinar provides an overview of the reasons for drug shortages, recent advocacy efforts to ameliorate the situation, and action steps organizations can take to minimize the impact of drug shortages on patient care. Specific drug shortage examples such as the IV fluids shortage are discussed.
Social responsibility is an emerging area of importance for all health care supply chain professionals to understand and participate in. This webinar examines the evolving needs of communities, the historic role of hospitals as a community enterprise, and why hospitals and health systems are viewed…
Continuing from Part 1, this short session updates supply chain professionals on the design and timing of the new small bore tubing connectors making their way into hospitals. Supply chain professionals across the country must be aware and take the necessary steps to begin transitioning universal…