
Discover how to identify and reduce the 30% of charge capture that is missed in OR suites. Speaker: John Freund, President and CEO, Jump Technologies
AHRMM’s Young Professionals Advisory Council (YPAC) hosts quarterly discussions where a panel of supply chain leaders lead a conversation on topics of interest within the health care supply chain. All are invited to join the conversation.
Healthcare expenses continue to rise and yet hospitals are realizing consistently shrinking margins. Healthcare supply costs are typically the second largest expense to a hospital and must be managed in a manner that ensures providers have access to quality products but also with an emphasis on…
How to assess the total procedural value through a clinical and economic lens.
Robotic Process Automation or RPA is new to the health care field but can be solution to reduce margins at your hospital. Richard Mackey, Senior Vice President of IT at Intalere, explains what RPA is, how it can be utilized in health care, and how it is affordable for all hospitals.