Companies Offering COVID-19 Supplies, Technology and Services at No Cost
AHRMM is sharing resources from organizations that we think may help you and your hospital or health system in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The listing of these suppliers or their products is for informational purposes only, and in no way constitutes or should be viewed as an endorsement by AHRMM or the American Hospital Association. If your organization is temporarily offering a member-only or cost-based application or resource at no cost and would like to be added to this list, please contact ahrmm@aha.org.
Accruent is providing the their ventilator analysis tool, at no charge, to all health care clinical engineering and supply chain leaders. Because the company provides health care asset management software to more than 55% of US hospitals, Accruent possesses a high volume of Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) data and healthcare facilities management (HFM) data. Utilizing the ventilator analysis tool allows HTM teams to determine what replacement parts they should have on-hand to maximize uptime of their ventilator inventory.
America Makes has joined forces with the FDA, NIH, and VA to be the bridge connecting the needs of health care providers with manufacturers capable of 3D printing much needed supplies. The company has created an online repository, www.americamakes.us/covid-19, that is collecting the needs of the health care community from across the country and matching these needs with designs that are readily available from the NIH 3D Print Exchange to fast track production of the items most needed.
ASTM International is providing no-cost public access to important ASTM standards used in the production and testing of personal protective equipment - including face masks, medical gowns, gloves, and hand sanitizers - to support manufacturers, test labs, health care professionals, and the general public as they respond to the global COVID-19 public health emergency. Register if you are a new user to our reading room and then you may access and download a PDF of the standards relevant to the global health pandemic. You will be asked to login at no cost to you. Access standards at www.astm.org/COVID-19.
Certain is providing no-cost registration and check-in software for healthcare systems to assist in tracking and triaging potential COVID-19 patients. With these solutions, you are able to determine COVID-19 testing eligibility, provide multiple scheduling options, confirm appointments and provide digital patient check-in allowing for minimized face-to-face interaction throughout the process. To start implementing Certain, fill out this contact form and our team can help you get started.
Connected Care for Families is a free app for patients and families to communicate during the COVID-19 crisis. The app, developed by Dr. Jim Rhorer who works in emergency medicine at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, helps a caregiver, family member or the patient themselves organize the medical needs easily and effectively in one place. It allows to manage doctor's appointments, medications, medical history, and offers a quick medical summary and daily overview through Connected Care's dashboard to ensure patient's personal and medical needs are met on a daily basis and communicated effectively with their care provider and team. The app is compatible with Androids, iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch and is listed on Apple's App Store under Connected Care for Families.
Crestline Hotels & Resorts has 120 hotels throughout the country readily available to house medical staff and first responders. Contact Amy Johnson, Regional Vice President of Sales, at amy.johnson@crestlinehotels.com or 910-470-2710 for more information.
Curvo has accelerated its free release of Lookup by Curvo to help hospitals deal with price gouging and sourcing alternative products during the pandemic. With no IT requirements to be up and running, users can instantly search over 1.2 million unique products, view a device's cost and safety information within a second, and use a dynamic price spray graph to visualize market competitiveness. Curvo is announcing free access to this new product from now until July 31st for any health care provider organization. Supply chain, value analysis, materials management, and procurement teams may use this powerful solution completely free of charge for a limited time to assist during COVID-19 supply chain challenges. Visit curvolabs.com/lookup to sign up and begin using this resource.
DTN is providing for free during the spring season its premium weather service to hospitals, medical institutions, public health agencies and first responders worldwide. WeatherSentry uses predictive models and adaptive technology to project various scenarios and hourly forecasts for the 72-hour period at a specific site. Real-time data combined with map-based local storm reports, hyper-local data and first-hand accounts provide better visibility into high-impact weather in location-specific areas that enhance safety and reduce risk. Real-time lightning display and alerts for severe thunderstorms, high winds, hail, tornados, lightning and extreme temperature conditions. Live meteorological consulting when important weather decisions are needed. Sign up now.
eTrain is a full-service software design company that specializes in medical simulations to deliver advanced educational technology to the healthcare community. eTrain offers a FREE Covid-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) emicrosim™ case (~10 minutes). Free case-based digital microsimulations provide learners increased knowledge, improved skills, and more confidence in any patient care situation. Visit the eTrain website to watch a 30-second overview video for eTrain's Covid-19 PPE donning and doffing microsim.
First Databank (FDB) has developed an extensive list of manufacturers and vendors of supplies such as ventilators, N95 masks, gloves, and other protective equipment. Part numbers and UDI information are included, as well as each manufacturer's contact information. We hope that this information, curated from our FDB Prizm medical device knowledge platform and other available sources, will help hospitals identify new suppliers for the items they are currently finding unavailable. FDB will be updating this information as new suppliers enter the market—including some non-traditional distributors that are jumping in to help meet the need—and will send these updates to everyone who receives the list. If hospitals would like to receive this resource in easy-to-use spreadsheet form list, they can complete and submit the contact form.
GHX and Lumere, a GHX company, identified multiple manufacturers and distributors that supply "at-risk" products needed for COVID-19 care, and built a reference list, including potential supplier part numbers. The list also includes items which may serve a "comparable purpose" to help provider organizations identify potential alternatives. In addition, GHX/Lumere compiled a summary of clinical evidence to help decision makers at healthcare providers evaluate and approve nitrile gloves for use in a patient care setting. Learn more at the GHX COVID-19 Information Center.
GovShop is a free platform to source vetted COVID-19 suppliers and products from across the country: testing kits, gloves, masks, ventilators, disinfectant technology and more. GovShop is working with the Dept. of Defense Joint Task Force on COVID-19, the National Governors' Association, as well as state and local governments to source verified PPE for the public sector and health care professionals.
GreenLight Medical is offering complimentary access to its suite of software products to enable hospitals to virtually manage their product request and value analysis processes for new medical technology introduction. Hospitals and health systems will be able to leverage GreenLight's medical device research database and product request workflow solution to accelerate the identification and acquisition of medical devices, product equivalents, FDA regulatory guidelines, Recall & MAUDE events, and clinical evidence research. Complimentary access is available thru June. Sign up for access.
Moody's Analytics is offering AHA members complimentary access to a Know Your Supplier portal designed to help hospitals evaluate the credibility of new suppliers of medical equipment and PPE. Portal access is available to AHA members free of charge for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. The portal checks vendors against an extensive global database of risk-relevant entities so hospitals can screen out those that have been publicly associated with illegal or disreputable activities. The tool also checks potential suppliers against a database of more than 20 million small and mid-sized firms across the US and Canada. This screen helps hospitals verify company information from a potential vendor before they enter the procurement process. Moody's Analytics is also providing a short overview video as well as a brief video tutorial that explains how to use the portal and interpret its data.
National Recall Alert Center, in light of the current health care crisis, is making its entire recall alerting and management system available at no cost to any and all hospitals and ASC's that are not current members (nor were members for the past 6 months). This will be in effect for either 6 months or for whenever the crisis ends - whichever is longer. The service includes a supply shortage module. Call 888-537-8376 to be placed into the real-time system covering all hospital departments.
One Pass Access (OPA) is providing valued front-line clinical care service providers with complimentary accounts for faster processes of vendor “vetting,” sourcing and contracting, product certification with instructions for use, and secure service delivery. OPA captures 100% of 3rd party vendor suppliers utilized by clinical care service providers simplifying processes of all-inclusive “Vendor Compliance & Quality Programs” for Federal Requirements & Accreditation. OPA takes second to request, and minutes to setup. To learn more and request your complimentary account please go to www.opaccess.com/contact-us or reach out to info@opaccess.com.
Panjiva Supply Chain Intelligence offers a supply chain intelligence product helpful in identifying alternative suppliers of essential equipment such as ventilators and PPE. If you're interested in using our Panjiva product free of charge during these extraordinary circumstances, contact Kellin Clark, Director, Government Affairs & Public Policy, S&P Global, at 202 381 8716 or kellin.clark@spglobal.com. Learn more at Panjiva Supply Chain Intelligence website.
Qventus is a tool that manages patient flow automation. They are offering a free Localized COVID-19 Model and Scenario Planner. The tool utilizes machine learning and data to populate demographic data and estimate hospital resource estimates. Users can modify the data as appropriate for their facility, export the data and share any modified data with other users. The tool can also run scenarios including social distancing effects on hospital, PPE conservation, and triage. The model can be used to plan for future weeks by reviewing a range of various scenarios. Visit the Qventus website to access the tool.
Resilinc announced the launch of The Exchange at Resilinc, an online platform for health care, where procurement groups interact with vetted peer organizations to identify, locate and exchange critical supply items. Each organization can list items they need and offer those they can spare in exchange. As the platform begins its rollout in mid-April, hospitals and first line health care providers experiencing supply shortages can submit requests for specific items and be matched with peer organizations who can supply those items. For a myriad of reasons, shortages occur across critical product categories. The COVID-19 pandemic is an especially relevant example where specific products are known to be in short supply. In collaboration with hospitals and other health care organizations, The Exchange at Resilinc provides the tools needed to help streamline supply shortage needs, allowing the health care community to respond to patient needs faster, more efficiently and at less cost. Joining The Exchange community is quick and easy. To get started, complete the pre-registration form.
SupplyCopia launched an online automated assessment tool that allows a representative of a provider organization to input the current level of supplies in various areas of their organization, including:
- Current COVID-19 patients
- Peak patients and peak date (calculated from the CHIME model)
- Warehouses
- Storage areas, rooms and cabinets
- Specific floors or departments
- Items issued to patients, staff, emergency responders, and others
- The anticipated date and number of supplies within expected shipments
The representative is guided through responses needed to estimate anticipated cases and current usage patterns, laying the foundation of estimated need. The tool returns an immediate estimate of days of supply currently on-hand, to help the organization estimate their upcoming need and proactively work to address supply shortages. The tool will be available for free to health care provider organizations throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit the SupplyCopia website.
Symmetric Health Solutions has updated its previously public catalog list of COVID-critical supplies at risk of shortage with new categories, more products, and a list of suspect suppliers that falsified FDA registration information. Product categories listed include: Ventilators, BIPAP/CPAPs, Nebulizers, Circuits, HMEs, Bronchoscopes, Oxygen masks, Nasal cannulas, Stethoscopes, Pulse oximeters, Thermometers, Gowns, Masks, Face Shields/Goggles/Eye protection, Bouffants, and Shoe covers. In addition, the list includes supply manufacturing locations, catalog numbers and manufacturers. If you would like to be notified of updates, or have suggestions for additional categories of items you would like to see added to the list, please email us at covid-response@SymmetricHS.com. Learn more at www.symmetrichealthsolutions.com.
In January 2021, Symmetric published a list of medical device manufacturers based in Xinjiang, epicenter of Uighur internment. The use of the minority Uighur population for factory labor across China is presenting urgent humanitarian concerns and challenges to ethical manufacturing in the healthcare supply chain. Symmetric has published a list of manufacturers based in Xinjiang, China, the epicenter of Uighur internment, available to download here.
Testing.com mission is to make personal health information accessible to everyone and empowering all of us to take control of our own health. By providing in-depth guides and comprehensive resources, Testing.com hopes to help individuals and families make well-informed health decisions. Access COVID-19 State Testing Directory.
Teva is donating 6 million doses of hydroxychloroquine, a therapy used to treat malaria that's also shown some positive results when used off-label to treat COVID-19. Teva is ramping up production and anticipate having an additional 10 million doses in the channel within 30 days. And just to underscore this, Teva is providing this medicine at no cost to the buyers.
Xcelrate UDI Inc is offering their UDI-Inventory module at no cost to health care systems. Scanning inventory with Xcelrate UDI Inc. application reads all manufacturer UDI barcodes on medical supplies, devices and equipment. An inventory can then be made in minutes with complete UDI information. Learn more at XcelrateUDI.com.