
Analytics & Research, Change Management, Cost Management, Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Movement, Financial Management, FAHRMM

Leveraging Millennials and Technology to Weather the Perfect Storm

Increasing federal regulation compliance costs and declining reimbursements have compressed hospital profitability. This is leading hospitals to turn to Supply Chain to reduce direct costs for supplies, devices, drugs, and purchased services. Traditionally Supply Chain has aggressively pursued these cost reductions through price reduction tactics. These techniques, however, are yielding diminishing savings returns.

Analytics & Research, Value Analysis

MDIC Case for Quality Program - Product Quality Outcomes Analytics Working Group Report

Healthcare provider stakeholders, including physicians, clinicians and supply chain professionals utilize data to make procurement decisions for medical devices to ensure and improve patient access to high quality devices. The integrity of these decisions depends upon the accuracy and completeness of the underlying data. There are three (3) significant challenges to accurate and complete data on medical device quality: