The Meaningful Use 3 Rule


A short introduction to the CMS Meaningful Use 3 Rule and how implementing UDI within the healthcare setting and moving toward the full GS1 will reduce costs and improve inventory management while providing accurate data reporting and complete patient EHR information. Ultimately, these changes will lead to knowledge-based decision making and improved quality of patient care.

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White Papers
This paper will define the regulation and explore how a supply chain department can support their organization in meeting this aspect of the regu
Case Studies
A UDI Capture Work Group Case Study at the Baptist Health.
In part one, we explore the reasons why the FDA created the (UOU) Unit of Use.
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In part two of the FDA Unique Device Identification (UDI) Unit of Use (UOU) webcast series, we cover the FDA definition of the term, Unit of Use.
Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
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