UDI: A Story of Implementation


Hear one provider’s ongoing process of UDI implementation, from deciphering acronyms and educating interdepartmental staff, to working with vendors to redesign ERP software to meet FDA data capture and reporting regulations, all while creating procedures for others to follow.

Related Resources

In this three-part series, Lisa Tonkinson and Chris Wiekert discuss how the Revenue Cycle can impact your supply chain when embarking on a new soft
In this 3-part series, learn how the revenue cycle can impact your supply chain when embarking on a new software implementation or integration.
In this three-part series, Lisa Tonkinson and Chris Wiekert discuss how the Revenue Cycle can impact your supply chain when embarking on a new soft
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Hospitals need a tool to leverage the use of UDI within their health care organizations to empower the Cost, Quality, Outcomes Movement. This webinar…