Change Management

Hear how the revenue cycle can impact your supply chain when embarking on a new software implementation or integration.
Hear how the revenue cycle can impact your supply chain when embarking on a new software implementation or integration.
Hear a general approach to network supply chain assessment to identify areas for improvement.
Explore the new delivery methods of health care, how community resources and organizations are now working together to reduce patient episodic care, and how it affects supply chain.
In this short webcast, Dena Jackson and Sophie Rutherford discuss connecting the organization to the supply chain department in order to build collaborative teams and align goals. Utilizing technology, supply chain can be the “hub” to connect the organization.
John Barnes, supply chain director of systems and analytics at St. Luke’s Health System, discusses a five step marketing plan to drive supply chain change management.
Join Ken Cyr, Director of Supply Chain Consulting at Intalere, as he discusses how supply chain should be a strategic resource as part of an integrated and improved health system.
Colleen Cusick, director of materials management at Johns Hopkins Health System, discusses how she created a basic supply chain education program for nurses in her health system.
John Barnes, supply chain director of systems and analytics at St. Luke’s Health System, discusses a five step marketing plan to drive supply chain change management.