Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Movement

AHRMM presents a four-part series on successful collaboration with suppliers. In part four, Brent Petty, executive industry consultant at Lexmark International, discusses supply chain leaders’ top concerns and how suppliers can be a helpful partner.   The Secrets of Successful Collaboration…
This book was written to enhance the strategic contributions of the healthcare supply chain in a way that is most meaningful to hospitals’ and health-systems’ value-based goals.
AHRMM19 CQO Summit White Paper entitled CQO: The Power of Clinical Integration.
In this three-part webcast, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics and relationship of Value Analysis and Value Based Purchasing to achieve high Cost, Quality and Outcomes success. Part three discusses how accurate value analysis and…
In this three-part webcast, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics and relationship of Value Analysis and Value Based Purchasing to achieve high Cost, Quality and Outcomes success. Part two reviews the importance of Value Analysis and…
In this three-part podcast, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics and relationship of Value Analysis and Value Based Purchasing to achieve high Cost, Quality and Outcomes success. Part one explains VBP and its effects on hospital…
A value analysis process to verify the achievement of the outcomes desired will result in making decisions based on the data, celebrating achievement of outcomes, and identify the need for further review when outcomes are not achieved.
Now that the entire healthcare field is increasing its focus on value-based care, supply chain and physicians are working more closely together. Jarad Garshnick, AVP of Physician Advisors, HealthTrust discusses the top five areas that supply chain should consider when collaborating with physicians…
Resiliency in the operating room is imperative in today’s health care climate. A well-functioning OR has the potential to increase the number of patients served and further enhance its contribution to the hospital's bottom line. This presentation discusses how supply chain process improvements help…
Learn how to drive organizational and cultural improvements by utilizing cost, quality, and outcome data in the decision making process. This webinar explains how the use of trustworthy clinicians and industry partners in support role with physicians and decision makers leads to success.