Disaster/Outbreak Preparedness

Discover how a Medical Logistics Crisis Action Team could help your institution quickly organize efforts and resources in addition to your Incident Command System.
Listen as one small community hospital discusses how they worked with volunteers to locate critically needed PPE and medical supplies to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
Business continuity ensures that an organization can continue to operate in the event of a serious incident or disaster and encompasses strategic planning and preparation. In this webinar, a provider, a supplier, and a distributor discuss their roles and how they work together to develop and…
Cybersecurity vulnerabilities and intrusions pose risks for every hospital and its reputation. Become aware of what you can do to prevent cyber security in your facility.
Cybersecurity impacts all industry verticals including health care. Health care organizations need to address security in standard technology and medical devices. In this webinar, we discuss eight key practices straight from the Mayo Clinic’s cybersecurity strategy.
It doesn’t take a deadly pandemic like Ebola to put your supply chain—and your staff and patients--at risk. Flu outbreaks cause sudden shortages of critical supplies and happen frequently. Jason Burnham shares three steps to be prepared for the next outbreak.
It doesn’t take a deadly pandemic like Ebola to put your supply chain—and your staff and patients--at risk. Flu outbreaks cause sudden shortages of critical supplies and happen frequently. Jason Burnham, associate director, O&M Halyard Health, shares three steps you need to know in order…
During times of disaster, hospitals play an integral role as the community safety net, providing essential medical care that must be available often times within a moment’s notice. Strategic planning and ongoing training are necessary to identifying, dispatching and mobilizing critical material…
This AHRMM tool covers how health care supply chain professionals should prepare for disasters, with the input from various disciplines. The tool includes supply consumption adjustment calculations and several preparedness plans such as The Joint Commission Emergency Operations Plan ®, the…
Preparing for disasters is a much more difficult task than preparing for the day-to-day emergencies that a health care facility or system faces. Disaster preparation goes beyond the health care facility walls. It involves coordination with community partners and federal and state responders.…