Strategic Planning

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued a proposed ruling which introduces three new episode payment models for Acute Myocardial Infarction, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts, and Surgical Hip/Femur Fracture Treatment. This webinar provides an overview of the proposed ruling and CJR…
Health care costs continue to rise at an alarming rate, growing well ahead of inflation. In this webinar, we compare and contrast the education and training practices for supply chain professionals in each sector, the use of Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), and the use…
In this session, Dennis Black and Dennis Orthman share their experiences and best practices to improve and expand the provider-supplier relationship.
This webinar takes a deep look at industries that have evolved successful and meaningful supplier relationships to advance shared value among a network of suppliers. We will examine the Honda/Toyota experience of working among their suppliers and discuss key tools of collaboration, including…
Health care organizations continue to look for new ways to reduce costs. Ultimately, data, clinical integration, and engaging multi-disciplinary stakeholders may be the major keys to success. In this webinar, we describe how a large health system sought to standardize endomechanical, suture,…
As health care organizations continue to look for new ways to reduce costs ultimately, data, clinical integration and engaging multi-disciplinary stakeholders may be the major keys to success. In this webinar, hear how a large health system sought to standardize endomechanical, suture, trocars and…
The role of the supply chain is more important in health care than ever before due to the rising economic challenges that are faced today. This three-part on-demand series focuses on WHY strategic planning is important, WHAT a supply chain strategic plan should include, and HOW to implement a new…
Dr. Michael Schlosser discusses the reasons for, and resources needed to create a clinically integrated supply chain that utilizes evidence-based data to make procurement decisions that can improve patient outcomes.Presented by: Dr. Michael Schlosser, Chief Medical Officer, HealthTrust
Nattie Leger, Director of Nursing Pursuit of Value, discusses how Ochsner significantly reduced their 2015 surgical site infections rate and a substantial cost avoidance using an interdisciplinary and methodical Lean approach.
A thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or regional/local contracting. Panelists in Part 4 focus on what providers should expect from their GPO partners. Moderator: Allen Archer, System Director…