Introduction to Health Care Supply Chain: Strategizing and Using Your Resources (Part II)


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Price: Member: $98.00 | Non-Member: $198.00

Continuing Education Credits (CECs): 2 hours

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Introduction to Health Care Supply Chain: Strategizing and Using Your Resources moves from the fundamentals to discovering ten areas of infrastructure that holds it together. Consider the various infrastructure measures and strategies required for operations to continue and follow a customer engagement framework from needs assessment and buy-in to project assessment and customer experience enhancement. Correspondingly is the appropriate engagement of suppliers to assist in internal time-management and continuous improvement of programs.

Introduction to Health Care Supply Chain: Strategizing and Using Your Resources reveals a variety of necessary discussions and considerations needed to have a full understanding of a successful organization including:

  • Elements of Alignment
  • The Service Delivery Model
  • Value Analysis and the Governance Model
  • Strategic Planning and Goal Alignment
  • Risk Management Framework and Mitigation
  • Technology and UDIs to increase Cost Capture
  • Data Analytics and KPIs for Decision Making
  • The Culture of Continuous Improvement
  • Customer Engagement and Necessity for Operational Success
  • Supplier Organization and Category Planning

Together with the fundamentals learned in Introduction to Health Care Supply Chain: Supply Chain Basics, this course brings together the worlds of operations, strategic alignment and intentional preparations. These courses are highly recommended for those new to the field and those moving into new roles either within the provider or supplier area.

Learning Objectives:

  • Articulate the six areas of infrastructure that enable health care supply chain to function
  • Engage with your internal stakeholders to involve them in decision making and communicate supply chain value
  • Develop relationships with suppliers to increase collaboration and support continuous strategic improvement

Register for Part I of this two-part eLearning course, Introduction to Health Care Supply Chain: Supply Chain Basics, to learn the fundamentals of health care supply chain management and its flow of products, information and money


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