
Understanding Physicians: Five Things Supply Chain Needs to Know

Now that the entire health care field is increasing its focus on value-based care, supply chain and physicians are working more closely together. Jarad Garshnick, AVP of Physician Advisors at HealthTrust discusses the top five areas that supply chain should consider when collaborating with physicians to reduce cost and clinical variations as they continue to improve outcomes.

Presented by: Jarad Garshnick, AVP of Physician Advisors, HealthTrust Purchasing Group

Cost Management, Physician Preference Items (PPI), Reimbursement, Value Analysis

Value Based Purchasing and Value Analysis 101 – Part 2

In this three-part webcast and podcast series, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics of value analysis and value based purchasing to achieve high Cost, Quality, and Outcomes. In part two, review the importance of value analysis and supply chain's involvement.

Presented by: Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management, Cardiovascular Care Group

Products and Services Contracting, Purchased Services, Strategic Sourcing, Strategic Planning

Contract Negotiations & Implementation Strategies for Purchased Services within a Single Facility or IDN's

Contracting strategies, negotiation, and centralized contract management processes can generate significant savings in one of the largest areas of spend. A team of Hospital Executives shares the lessons learned, implementation experiences, and savings they brought their facilities, focusing on the non-traditional areas of spend.

Change Management, Data Standards, Procure to Pay, Regulations and Regulatory Advocacy, Unique Device Identifier (UDI), Leveraging Technology

GS1 Standards at a Hospital—A Roadmap for Implementation

In order to become data-driven organizations, healthcare providers need to leverage data standards and information technology. In the past, lack of standards across healthcare has been a major roadblock. However, numerous governmental and industry initiatives pursuing the adoption and implementation of supply chain standards across health IT systems are giving providers the opportunity to do just that. Standards lay the foundation for supply chain operations to leverage information technology to help transform healthcare providers into data-driven organizations.

Analytics & Research, Change Management, Clinical Resource Management (CRM), Cost Management, Lean/Six Sigma, Strategic Planning

Reduction of Surgical Site Infections Using Lean: An Ochsner Health Case Study

Nattie Leger, Director of Nursing Pursuit of Value, discusses how Ochsner significantly reduced their 2015 surgical site infections rate and a substantial cost avoidance using an interdisciplinary and methodical Lean approach.

Presented by: Nattie Leger, Director of Nursing Pursuit of Value, Ochsner Health System

Change Management, Clinical Resource Management (CRM), Regulations and Regulatory Advocacy, Suppliers, Procurement

Tubing Misconnections: An Update on the Latest on ISO Standards and EnFit Development– Part 2

Continuing from Part 1, this short session updates supply chain professionals on the design and timing of the new small bore tubing connectors making their way into hospitals. Supply chain professionals across the country must be aware and take the necessary steps to begin transitioning universal connectors to the new unique enteral, and then unique neuraxial small bore connectors.

Presenter: Thomas Hancock, Executive Director, GEDSA

Career/Professional Development, Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Movement, Reimbursement, Physician Preference Items (PPI)

Understanding Physicians: Five Things Supply Chain Needs to Know

Now that the entire healthcare field is increasing its focus on value-based care, supply chain and physicians are working more closely together. Jarad Garshnick, AVP of Physician Advisors, HealthTrust discusses the top five areas that supply chain should consider when collaborating with physicians to reduce cost and clinical variations as they continue to improve outcomes.

Presented by: Jarad Garshnick, AVP of Physician Advisors, HealthTrust Purchasing Group