
Change Management, Financial Management, Strategic Sourcing, Sustainability, Support Services

Revenue Cycle Basics: Components and Terminology 201 – Part 2

Part 2: Components and Terminology 201 This series of short education sessions documents various aspects of the Revenue Cycle and how it impacts Supply Chain. The series details how disconnects between the charge master and item master can negatively affect charge services and revenue capture.

Techniques on how to support and maintain best practices and revenue optimization are outlined through the successful demonstration of standardization and synchronization in supply chain and revenue cycle practices.

Procure to Pay, Strategic Sourcing, Suppliers, Sustainability, Strategic Planning

Supply Chain’s Role in Social Responsibility, Community Health, and Sustainability

Social responsibility is an emerging area of importance for all health care supply chain professionals to understand and participate in. This webinar examines the evolving needs of communities, the historic role of hospitals as a community enterprise, and why hospitals and health systems are viewed by the public as an anchor of local life.

Analytics & Research, Data Standards, Materials Management Information System (MMIS), Regulations and Regulatory Advocacy, Unique Device Identifier (UDI), Leveraging Technology, Technology

The Meaningful Use 3 Rule

A short introduction to the CMS Meaningful Use 3 Rule and how implementing UDI within the healthcare setting and moving toward the full GS1 will reduce costs and improve inventory management while providing accurate data reporting and complete patient EHR information. Ultimately, these changes will lead to knowledge-based decision making and improved quality of patient care.

Cost Management, Reimbursement, Physician Preference Items (PPI), Value Analysis, Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Movement

Value Based Purchasing and Value Analysis Series Part 1: What is Value Based Purchasing?

In this three-part podcast, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics and relationship of Value Analysis and Value Based Purchasing to achieve high Cost, Quality and Outcomes success. Part one explains VBP and its effects on hospital reimbursement.

Products and Services Contracting, Purchased Services, Strategic Sourcing, Strategic Planning

Contract Negotiations & Implementation Strategies for Purchased Services within a Single Facility or IDN's

Contracting strategies, negotiation, and centralized contract management processes can generate significant savings in one of the largest areas of spend. A team of Hospital Executives shares the lessons learned, implementation experiences, and savings they brought their facilities, focusing on the non-traditional areas of spend.

Change Management, Financial Management, Strategic Sourcing, Sustainability, Support Services

Revenue Cycle Basics: Methodologies – Part 3

Part 3: Methodologies

This series of short education sessions documents various aspects of the Revenue Cycle and how it impacts Supply Chain. The series details how disconnects between the charge master and item master can negatively affect charge services and revenue capture.

Techniques on how to support and maintain best practices and revenue optimization are outlined through the successful demonstration of standardization and synchronization in supply chain and revenue cycle practices.

Cost Management, Physician Preference Items (PPI), Reimbursement, Value Analysis, Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Movement

Value Based Purchasing and Value Analysis Series Part 2: What is Value Analysis

In this three-part webcast, Howard Mann, Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Cardiovascular Care Group discusses the basics and relationship of Value Analysis and Value Based Purchasing to achieve high Cost, Quality and Outcomes success. Part two reviews the importance of Value Analysis and supply chain involvement.

Best Practices for Operating at the Intersection of Cost, Quality and Outcomes

In this four part webinar series, AHRMM explores how supply chain leaders can transform CQO from a concept into a strategy. Each 30 minute webinar will dive into a different best practice including capturing and applying alternative data sets, establishing a clinically integrated supply chain, and creating an outcomes-based contracting strategy.