
Learning UDI Community, Unique Device Identifier (UDI), Regulations and Regulatory Advocacy

Unique Device Identifier (UDI-DI) Communication Change Process Report

The UDI-DI Change Communication Process Work Group, a part of AHRMM's Learning UDI Community (LUC), recently released a report analyzing current communication processes and their implications on all stakeholders related to changes to the UDI-DI. Gain a clear understanding of how these changes are documented in affected software systems, identify gaps between current and desired states, and develop recommended practices to improve the process for all stakeholders.

Learning UDI Community, Medical Device Technology, Regulations and Regulatory Advocacy, Unique Device Identifier (UDI)

UDI Impacts on Recall Management Work Group Report

The UDI Impacts on Recall Management Work Group, a part of AHRMM's Learning UDI Community (LUC), has released their recommended practices reports that analyzes the barriers and highlights the benefits to patient safety and key stakeholder groups when utilizing the UDI throughout the recall process. Work group members identified recommended practices for each of these groups underscoring mutual areas for improvement in the safety and efficacy of the recall process. In addition to the two Impact Reports, there is also a comprehensive Regulatory Resource Guide and a Supporting Information document with detailed reports, resource links, surveys and summary presentations that the work group members created, as well as a Recall Time & Cost Collection Tool.

Clinical Integration, Procurement, Data, COVID-19: Supplies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), COVID-19: Organizational Preparedness and Capacity Planning, Analytics & Research, Inventory Management, Leadership, Strategic Sourcing

Going Global – How Direct Sourcing Saved the Day Amid COVID-19

Consider how direct sourcing can enable access to PPE and the leading practices of building supply chain diversity and resiliency for the future in this Banner Health case study.

Data Standards, COVID-19: Supplies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19)

Health Care Executive Overview: The Role of Standards in the Post-Pandemic Health Care Supply Chain

Though the health care industry is continuing to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, many industry leaders are also looking to build a more resilient supply chain by asking, “What could we have done differently?”, and “How should we prepare for future pandemics and other crises?”

COVID-19: Supplies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19), COVID-19: Organizational Preparedness and Capacity Planning, Inventory Management, Emergency Readiness, Disaster/Outbreak Preparedness

Recommended Inventory Reserve Strategies

As health care emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain resiliency is a priority. One primary consideration has been how to develop inventory reserves to mitigate the risk of severe product shortages.

Leadership, Leadership Development

Empowering Women in Health Care Supply Chain: More Than Just Supplies Discussion Series

AHRMM’s Young Professionals Advisory Council (YPAC) hosted their inaugural discussion of their new 'More Than Just Supplies Discussion Series' on April 9, 2021. The discussion was held with women health care supply chain leaders. The panelists discussed leading in the field, forging a sustainable career path and establishing goals and expectations in the workplace, and finding a work-life balance.