Introduction to Health Care Value Analysis: Stepping into Health Care Value Analysis


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Price: Member: $98.00 | Non-Member: $198.00

Continuing Education Credits (CECs): 2 hours

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This course takes you from the history of value analysis to implementing a value analysis program in your organization. Throughout the history, you will learn about the core tenet of value analysis, as well as the challenges and benefits of value analysis. From there, you will explore the nine elements of value analysis that are crucial in implementing a value analysis program. Lastly, you will identify the six steps of implementing a value analysis program, and use the provided worksheet to apply what you learned throughout the course.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define value analysis, including the history, need for, challenges, and benefits of value analysis.
  • Identify the nine elements of value analysis that are necessary for successfully implementing a value analysis program.
  • Explain how to and successfully implement a value analysis program.


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