Decoding Supply Chain Analytics for Improved Cost, Quality, and Outcomes
Price: Member: FREE | Non-Member: $99.00
CEC Hours: 1
As hospitals restructure to gain sustainability in an era of reform, it is crucial for supply chain leaders to work collaboratively within health systems and identify new opportunities for cost reduction in areas that generate savings and improve outcomes. While data is key to gaining an understanding of such opportunities, too often it’s the overwhelming volume and inability to look at clinical, operational, and financial data side-by-side that hinders analysis and meaningful insight. This webinar focuses on key lessons and best practices using case studies from leading hospitals and health care systems that have successfully aligned their supply chain and strategic vision.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the impact of and considerations for selecting the data that will provide actionable information and can be used to demonstrate the total value per case.
- Explain how data visualization can help translate supply chain information into insight that supports operational performance and product utilization.
- Determine how to engage internal audiences in sustained improvement.
- Nancy Jennings, DBA, RN-BC, FACHE — Senior Director of Performance Services, VHA
- Zee Robertson, MBA — Senior Director of Performance Services, VHA, Inc.
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